Archive | July, 2013

Summer JADE Meeting 2013

12 Jul

The JADE Summer Meeting’s organizers from JEME Bocconi have set a few goals for Junior Entrepreneurs to achieve and win a prize at the end of the meeting. Will you be the most involved junior enterprise?

At N-HiTec we feel like winning, and we’re already planning our strategy to do so!

The N-HiTec’s attendees in this year SJM are Delphine Zagaria, Sara Dautrebande,Gilles Goffard, Hubert Woszczyk, Jérémie Delhaxhe and Anthony Marchand, get to know them !


Belgium reaches tops in term of international representation with more than 30 representatives planning to go to Milan, Italy brace yourself, Belgians will make it legend-wait for it-dary!
